30 Days of Pride

Monday, May 31, 2010 11:46pm

This year marks the second National LGBT Pride month as proclaimed by President Barrack Obama—originally Gay & Lesbian Pride Month in 2000 by President Clinton. While, I was simply satisfied to remember the Stonewall Riots and be thankful that our president recognized a month in our honor—in addition to LGBT History month, which has been October since 1994—this year I found myself looking for another way to keep this time in my heart.

I originally planned to simply use my facebook status updates as the medium to express my pride—and I will utilize them as a tool to pique interest and direct those, who want more information to the blog—however, I felt that leaving it at that would leave room for more questions than answers (and possible disagreements). So, this seemed the best method of expression. For the entire month of June, I plan to post once a day with something that gives me pride.

At this point, it is necessary that I make a disclaimer. The items that I am going to name are items that give me pride; they are personal and specific to myself.This means that there are items that you may disagree with on several levels—be it because they are frivolous; they do not coincide with your political/religious beliefs, or any other reason.My point is that we all have different things that make us proud, and often the thing that makes one person proud does just the opposite for another.

Lastly, I would like to extend you all an invitation to take this month and share your pride with everyone.While, I would love to see you all make your lists and share them with your friends/family/social networking buddies, I merely ask that you keep this month in your own way.It was not long ago that it was illegal and dangerous for us to be who we are—forget about being proud of it—and it still remains that way for many of us on this earth.

Reach out this month; come out this month; and most importantly take pride in everything you do and everything you are.

