1.That Barack Obama Is Our President

Tuesday, June 1, 2010 5:23pm

I realize that our community has been less than kind to this president during his administration—I also realize that my friends on the right and the far left are less than thrilled with this—but we do have to recognize that this is the most pro-equality president ever.
This president ran with us on his list and put us in the State of the Union address. He IS in support of repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell—despite the demonstrations and protesting—he is in support of protecting the LGBT citizenry, and he was instrumental in passing the Matthew Shepard Act.

President Obama continues to support the so-called Gay Agenda. I do realize that he is not in favor of gay marriage, but I believe we would be hard pressed to get anyone in the White House who is for many, many years. The fact is that our president—and he is OUR president—fought for hate crimes legislation, is in favor of more protections for LGBT people and equal treatment—job discrimination protection, recognition of our relationships, and the right to serve openly, honestly, and honorably in the military.

I recognize that there are politicians that are more active/supportive when it comes to LGBTQ issues, but I’m not going to overlook the man in the White House. After all, I would only be celebrating the pride of Gays and Lesbians if not for him adding Bisexual and Transgendered to this wonderful month

